Monday, June 22, 2009

Building Trust

At the AHRI conference last week, one of the presenters, Peter Fuda, spoke about a simple equation he had discovered to identify how to build trust.

Trust = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy
Self Interest


Credibility : This is the reputation you bring. Do you have a reputation for consistency, transparency, openness, etc? What do people say about you when discussing you with others? What preconceptiosn will people ahve about you who haven't met you?

Reliability : Do your words and actions always match? What have your people SEEN you do as opposed to HEARD you say? Are you a WYSIWYG [What you see is what you get?]

Intimacy : How much of you do you let others see? Can they get beneath a facade? Do your people feel they know the real you? CAn they feel close to you as a person?

Self Interest : All of the above are then filtered through a screen of " What does this mean for ME? " How do you communicate to people how an idea / initiative / change impacts on them personally? How can you tap into thjis self interst to ensure it isn't too big a denominator to turn the equation into a negative?


The challenge for us all is to do the sums for ourselves. What will our equation be : a positive or a negative.?

Every situation will have a different equation as will every person with whom you are trying to build trust .

So pick a couple of key people and situations and do the equation
  • What is my reputation for this person?
  • How reliable have I been for them?
  • How much do they see me as a person?
  • what are the self interest issues for them
  • What is the sum of the current equation for them?
  • How can I influence this sum to be more positive?

As always, I look forward to your thoughts and ideas on this


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